(Yet Another Private Homepage)

This is the homepage of various open-source projects available under the terms of the GPL or LGPL:


06/02/2014 French translation for plotlib
02/20/2012 Released Bochs-Tools 1.7.1
03/27/2004 Released Bochs-Tools 1.6.4
01/06/2004 Released Plotlib 0.4.1
10/10/2003 Released Plotlib 0.4.0
09/14/2003 Released GENDIST 1.6.0 and Bochs-Tools 1.6.1
04/16/2003 Released Bochs-Tools 1.6.0
04/11/2003 BBLCD moves to BerliOS. Also, released new beta 0.7.7 of BBLCD
04/11/2003Released GENDIST 1.4.10
03/09/2003 Released Bochs-Tools 1.4.0
02/08/2003 Released Bochs-Tools 1.2.0
01/09/2003 Released Bochs-Tools 1.0.0
12/31/2002 Released GENDIST 1.4.8
12/29/2002 Released GENDIST 1.4.7
12/27/2002 Released ShadowJAAS 1.2.0
11/01/2002 Released ShadowJAAS 1.0.0
10/19/2002 Released GENDIST 1.4.6
10/07/2002 Released GENDIST 1.4.5

Bernhard Bablok (mail @ bablokb.de)